Multi-System CAD-Teaching in Large Classes
Year: 2010
Editor: Boks W; Ion, W; McMahon, C and Parkinson B
Author: Feldhusen, Jörg; Brezing, Alexander Nikolaus; Pütz, Claus; Wählisch, Georg
Page(s): 204-209
This paper describes the approach chosen to teach 3D-CAD to large classes in a one credit course at RWTH Aachen University, where a maximum of 1400 engineering students are given an introduction to 3D CAD each year. The overall strategy is to create an introduction to autonomous and extracurricular CAD-learning, because the rather low credit-value prohibits a course extent that can cover the subject as broad and deep as necessary for design engineers. The main features of that concept are:
• a standardized example project designed to give insight into as many modelling techniques and aspects as can be covered in a single-credit course • blended learning with a choice of alternative media, which means that different media and teaching concepts can be compared with regards to their suitability for CAD training
• an option to choose from currently 3 different software products, which also means that the course can be used as a comparative study of different CAD-systems
This approach could only be realized as a result of a collaboration of three different chairs of two universities and the willingness to consider this project not only as a teaching obligation but a
systematic study of different engineering software solutions and alternative teaching concepts.
Keywords: CAD-education, multi-classroom teaching, blended learning