Competences for the development of smart products

DS 87-9 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17) Vol 9: Design Education, Vancouver, Canada, 21-25.08.2017

Year: 2017
Editor: Anja Maier, Stanko Škec, Harrison Kim, Michael Kokkolaras, Josef Oehmen, Georges Fadel, Filippo Salustri, Mike Van der Loos
Author: Herzog, Michael; Bender, Beate
Series: ICED
Institution: Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Section: Design Education
Page(s): 285-294
ISBN: 978-1-904670-97-1
ISSN: 2220-4342


Within the concept of Industry 4.0 the expansion of mechatronic products towards smart products is key. Whereas the discussion about smart products in the context of production is more prominent, the shift towards the paradigm of smart products also suggests that the current way of product development needs to be adapted fundamentally. It becomes obvious that besides technological topics like big-data or IT-infrastructure, the human factor is of major importance for a successful realization of industry 4.0. Especially new concepts for training and further education for product development are needed to cope with the emerging challenges. In order to design new educational concepts, instructional goals are key. Nowadays these goals are described in a competence oriented way. Until now, there are now competence models available that consider both the specificity of product development as well as the context of Smart Products. Hence this paper aims at deriving this competence model in a conceptual way. Therefore, a multistaged approach is conducted that synthesizes competence models for product development and engineering for industry 4.0 as well as design methodologies in the field.

Keywords: Design education, Product-Service Systems (PSS), Training, Business models and considerations


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