DS 110: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2021), VIA Design, VIA University in Herning, Denmark. 9th -10th September 2021

Year: 2021
Editor: Grierson, Hilary; Bohemia, Erik; Buck, Lyndon
Author: Hoppe, Lukas Valentin; Gembarski, Paul Christoph; Lachmayer, Roland
Series: E&PDE
Institution: Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Section: Innovation and Creativity in Design and Engineering Education
DOI number: 10.35199/EPDE.2021.40
ISBN: 978-1-912254-14-9


In times of increasing digitalization, universities are turning to digital media to promote effective learning. In addition to comprehensive learning platforms, on which learning materials and communication options are offered, interactive and adaptive learning programs are also being developed in many subject areas. These so-called intelligent tutoring systems are used as a tool to accompany lectures in order to make teaching more varied and efficient. The curriculum for mechanical engineering students provides for a basic understanding of product development in the first semesters. The focus is on acquiring a broad basic knowledge of machine elements and standard parts, as well as developing problem-solving skills in the CAD design of components and simple assemblies by working on realistic design tasks. In order to use an accompanying tutoring system in the basic training of engineers in a useful way, the system must also meet the requirements of problem- and practice-oriented tasks of design theory. These requirements include the evaluation of open problems and the approach to a valid result. The necessary feedback in the design solution process means that the system automatically analyzes the geometry of CAD designs and compares them with valid solutions from standards and guidelines. For a better solution finding, the learner must be given hints, which help to generate a valid solution, in addition to the sole output of design errors. This paper reports on the use of an intelligent tutoring system that was embedded as a formative assessment tool in computer-aided design education. The system was used by over a hundred second semester mechanical engineering students to prepare for a design course. The obtained system data is evaluated and then discussed. As a result, it is shown that an intelligent tutoring system within the framework of formative assessment can help students complete open design tasks and lead them to a valid solution through supportive feedback. Furthermore, this paper presents the use of the system data to improve the course by detecting and evaluating knowledge gaps and misconceptions of the students.

Keywords: design education, intelligent tutoring system, computer-aided design, formative assessment


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